
Complete remaining guide wire in the vascular system after CVC is very rare. For which the maximum symptom-free reporting time in studies was five months, and in our case, the patient was symptom-free for one year. The only finding was one session complaining of ear pain and mastoid tenderness two weeks after catheter placement.
 A 42-year-old male patient with the diagnosis of necrotizing pancreatitis and a retroperitoneal abscess was a candidate for laparotomy after ERCP. The patient was a candidate for central venous catheter insertion through the internal jugular vein before the surgery in the operating room by a third-year anesthesia resident. After one year, discovered that incidentally remaining guide wire during a follow-up MRI before pancreatitis. Which has been asymptomatic during this period. And despite the risk of rupture of the right heart and blood vessels due to possible fibrosis due to a long stay in the cardiovascular system, it is successfully removed by an endovascular surgeon.
 The main reasons for the incident were the non-observance of scientific and safety principles at the time of catheter insertion and the failure to perform CXR after that

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