
This product consists of Adobe Acrobat .PDF format documents for 10 surficial geologic strip maps along the Animas River watershed from its major headwater tributaries, south to Durango, Colo. The Animas River originates in the San Juan Mountains north of the historic mining town of Silverton, Colo. The surficial geologic maps identify surficial deposits, such as floodplain, and terrace gravels, alluvial fans, glacial till, talus, colluvium, landslides, and bogs. Sixteen primary units were mapped that included human-related deposits and structures, eight alluvial deposits, four colluvial deposits, one glacial deposit, one travertine deposit, and undifferentiated bedrock. Each of the surficial geologic strip maps has .PDF links to surficial geology photographs, which enables the user to take a virtual tour of these deposits. Geochemical data collected from mapped surficial deposits that pre-date and post-date mining activity have aided in determining the geochemical baseline in the watershed. Several photographs with their corresponding geochemical baseline profiles are accessible through .PDF links from several of the maps. A single coverage for all surficial deposits mapped is included as an ArcInfo shape file and as an Arc Export format .e00 file.

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