
The Geological Survey of Canada is compiling an inventory of terrain, landforms, and geomorphic processes for the Mackenzie Valley transportation corridor, including parts of the Sambaa K'e Candidate Protected Area centred on the Trout Lake map area (NTS 95 A). This article presents a preliminary interpretation of surficial geology from airphotos, field data, shothole records, and digital elevation models in an attempt to better understand the range of subglacial processes, the patterns of ice flow, and the deglacial history and associated sedimentary environments. Our work is providing government agencies, industry, and the public access to reliable geoscience information on surficial earth materials and geomorphic processes such as landslide hazards, and to data required for the assessment of protected areas and regional mineral and aggregate potential. Possible outcomes of this work include the attraction of new investment and the reduction of risks for exploration and development of natural resources in the Northwest Territories.

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