
Abstract Usually squeeze cementing job was done in more than once; failure usually happens and need to be re-squeezed once or more. One time squeeze cementing is very rarely occurs. Hypothetical theory is caused by leaking, space appears between matrix rock and cement during drying process. This phenomenon happens due to the fluid base differentiation between both fluids in cementation process which causing dis-joint cement fluid (water base) with oil film that coats the rock matrix wall (oil wet). Surfactant treatment method is used to reduce squeeze cementing frequency where main function of surfactant is to change fluid surface tension between oil and water so both fluids will blend homogeneously. Cement slurry as water base fluid are expected to perfectly coat in rock matrix that have changed to be water wet from originally oil wet. By injecting amount of surfactant into rock formation and soaking couple hours before squeeze cementing job execute, expected could change formation rock wettability from oil wet into water wet so coated and trapped oil between matrix rock will release and pushed by water or cement slurry when it pumped or squeezed. Perfectly adhere between rock matrix and cement will happen to disappear the space and finally increase the quality of Squeeze Cementing Job. This study has applied in melibur wells; the result successfully reduces the cementing job frequency into half from the four times previously in each well. It leads the cost efficiency. The three wells that have been squeezed without surfactant hold the pressure test after four times cementing. Meanwhile from another two wells with surfactant treatment the frequency could be reduced and significantly saving cost about 41% from the previous. It was concluded that surfactant treatment has become a great solution to increase squeeze cementing quality.

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