
Precipitation patterns, water flow direction, and local land-use practices affect surface water (SW) and shallow groundwater (SGW) nutrient concentrations in riparian wetlands. Given physical process complexities, spatiotemporal quantification of nutrients and physical factors influencing nutrient concentrations are needed to advance wetland water resource management. To address these needs, a study was conducted in riparian wetlands of a mixed land-use catchment in West Virginia (WV), USA. Observed data included SW–SGW levels and nutrient concentrations, including nitrate (NO3-N), nitrite (NO2-N), ammonium (NH4-N), orthophosphate (PO43-P), total nitrogen (total_N), and total phosphorus (total_P) from January 2020 to December 2021. Water samples were collected monthly from stream gauge sites (n = 4) and co-located piezometers (n = 13). Results showed that, on average, gaining stream conditions were observed in upstream sites, and losing stream conditions were observed in downstream sites. Observed nutrient profiles between SW and SGW included SW exhibiting a higher average NO3-N concentration (0.42 mg/L), while SGW displayed an elevated NH4-N concentration (1.55 mg/L) relative to other nitrogen species. Significantly high (p < 0.05) SW NO3- concentrations in summer and fall were attributed to increased precipitation and corresponding water level and, therefore, pressure head and transport fluctuations. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) showed differences in nutrient concentrations based on the water source type and catchment land use, explaining 65% of data variability. Spearman correlation analysis illustrated the correlation among nutrient concentrations, land use, and water level changes in SW and SGW environments. This study provides needed baseline data on nutrient dynamics for a riparian wetland in a mixed land-use catchment, supplying science-based information to advance land and water management practices in the study watershed and similar physiographic watersheds globally.

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