
We study the surface transport properties of stationary localized configurations of relativistic fluids to the first two non-trivial orders in a derivative expansion. By demanding that these finite lumps of relativistic fluid are described by a thermal partition function with arbitrary stationary background metric and gauge fields, we are able to find several constraints among surface transport coefficients. At leading order, besides recovering the surface thermodynamics, we obtain a generalization of the Young-Laplace equation for relativistic fluid surfaces, by considering a temperature dependence in the surface tension, which is further generalized in the context of superfluids. At the next order, for uncharged fluids in 3+1 dimensions, we show that besides the 3 independent bulk transport coefficients previously known, a generic localized configuration is characterized by 3 additional surface transport coefficients, one of which may be identified with the surface modulus of rigidity. Finally, as an application, we study the effect of temperature dependence of surface tension on some explicit examples of localized fluid configurations, which are dual to certain non-trivial black hole solutions via the AdS/CFT correspondence.


  • Them with a few effective degrees of freedom — the fluid fields

  • Besides recovering the surface thermodynamics, we obtain a generalization of the Young-Laplace equation for relativistic fluid surfaces, by considering a temperature dependence in the surface tension, which is further generalized in the context of superfluids

  • For uncharged fluids in 3+1 dimensions, we show that besides the 3 independent bulk transport coefficients previously known, a generic localized configuration is characterized by 3 additional surface transport coefficients, one of which may be identified with the surface modulus of rigidity

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Generalities of the partition function analysis

Consider a relativistic fluid living in a spacetime N , equipped with a time-like Killing vector, which has the most general stationary metric. Gij is the metric on spatial manifold obtained by reducing on the time-circle, which we shall denote by Ns. In some of our discussions, we will include a conserved global U(1). We shall denote the fluid surface by f (x) = 0, where f (x) is taken to be independent of time, following our stationary assumption. The second term in (1.9) is the main focus of this paper, and in particular cases, we shall provide the explicit forms of the surface partition function, up to the first non-trivial orders in derivatives. This equation of motion for f (x) is identical to the particular surface fluid equation which follows by demanding diffeomorphism invariance in directions orthogonal to the surface.

Fluid variables and choice of frames
A brief summary of results
Perfect fluids
Ordinary uncharged perfect fluids in arbitrary dimensions
Zeroth order superfluids with a surface
Next to leading order corrections for uncharged fluids
Partition function at next to leading order
Corrections to the stress tensor
Description in terms of original fluid variables
Equation of state and thermodynamic quantities
Spinning ball and ring
Phase diagram for spinning balls and rings
A Frame transformation in the bulk
B General constraints on the stress tensor
C Entropy current constraints
Comparison with the action and the partition function
D Few useful relations
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