
Aggregate shape properties can significantly affect the mesoscopic behavior of asphalt concrete. This study proposed a subdivision-based aggregate generation method that can model three-dimensional (3D) aggregates with controllable surface concavity and texture, allowing for investigations on the aggregate shape related mechanisms of asphalt concrete. This method first establishes basic convex aggregates and then repeatedly performs a subdivision-based reshaping procedure to continuously incorporate geometric details into the aggregates. Aggregates with different levels of concavity and texture were generated to form asphalt concrete mesostructures. Based on finite element simulations, the effect of the aggregate concavity on the mechanical properties of asphalt concrete was investigated. The results indicated that both the concavity and texture can be effectively and readily controlled by this method. Increasing aggregate concavity can improve the dynamic modulus of asphalt concrete especially at high temperatures, and may enhance its overall crack resistance but cause more severe local damages.

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