
Screen-printed Bi2212 thick films on Ag substrates have been fabricated by a partial-melt solidification process, while changing processing parameters in it. The surface resistance (Rs) of the samples was measured in the temperature range between 20 and 100K using a dielectric resonator method at 10.7GHz on a TE011 mode, and the results were compared with conventional metallurgical studies. Low Rs value of 1.6mΩ at 20K was obtained by heating the sample up to the maximum temperature Tm at 5°C above the melting temperature, subsequent slow cooling with 4°C/h from Tm to 860°C, isothermal annealing for lOhours at 860°C and finally furnace cooling to room temperature. To our knowledge, this Rs value is the lowest record for Bi2212 thick films subjected to the partial-melt solidification process. The results for Rs of screen-printed Bi2212 thick films are strongly related to microstructures of superconductor.

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