
Laser surface treatment is at present one of up-to-date methods for surface layer engineering, in this technique into the matrix material are introduced some amount of alloying additives. So the surface layer is obtained in form of composite material consisting of ceramic particle powders with different properties influencing the surface layer appliance possibilities. Using the technology it is possible to obtain a layer revealing a structured structure consisting of the heat affected zone (HAZ), transition zone (TZ) and remelted zone (RZ), as well as the substrate material. The laser is without cracks and defects as well as has with a slightly higher hardness value compared to the raw substrate material. The used laser power range is set in the range between 1.0 to 2.5 Kw, with the laser scan rate of the beam head in a range between 0.25-0.75 m/min, depending of the applied laser power and material used for alloying.This study was conducted to determine the effect of carbide on oxide ceramic powders addition on the microstructure and mechanical properties their changes and enhancement possibilities during a rapid solidification process of the remelted surface layer. The investigation should help to use this laser treatment technology for alloying of ceramic powder particles into the surface of light alloys, especially magnesium and aluminium. The scientific reason of this work is the usage of High Power Diode Laser (HPDL) for improvement of aluminium`s mechanical properties, especially the surface hardness and war resistance.There was found during the investigations and analysis of the results that, the obtained surface layer is without cracks and defects as well as with a relatively higher hardness compared to the raw material, after standard heat treatment. The hardness value increases according to the laser power used so that the highest power applied gives the highest hardness value in the remelted layer, similar relation can be found in the wear resistance parameters, which increases also with increasing laser power.The findings of the investigations allows to state, that the distribution of the used ceramic particles is generally satisfied, especially the carbide powder was confirmed in the alloys matrix, the particles are mainly present in the upper part of the surface layer or in the bottom zone of the remelted area. The hardness value increases in general according to the laser power used and the highest power results with the highest hardness value in the surface layer. The main aim of this work is to investigate and determine the effect of HPDL remelting and alloying on the cast Al-Si-Cu and Mg-Al-Cu cast aluminium and cast magnesium alloys micro structure for possible application in real working conditions mainly for light metal constructions as well as in many branches of the industry like automotive and rail transportation.

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