
Surface structures of the following crystals grown from various molten salts were studied by means of phase contrast microscopy; emerald, corundum, hematite, spinel, magnetoplumbite, YIG, ZrO 2, ZnO, UO 2 and U 3O 8. Most of these crystals exhibit growth spirals. Four types of spirals were observed; 1) spirals having mono-molecular step height and wide and regular spacings between the successive arms, 2) spirals having mono-molecular step height and narrow and regular spacings, 3) conical growth hills which also consist of narrow but irregularly spaced spiral layers, and 4) minute growth hills consisting of narrow but irregularly spaced spiral layers. Their morphologies are explained on the basis of structural characteristics and growth conditions. The characteristics of growth spirals on these crystals are compared with those on the crystals of the same compound grown from the vapour, solution or unicomponent melt, and the difference in the growth mechanism between these methods is discussed.

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