
The bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa colonizes and thrives in many environments, in which it is typically found in surface-associated polymicrobial communities known as biofilms. Adaptation to this social behavior is aided by quorum sensing (QS), an intercellular communication system pivotal in the expression of social traits. Regardless of its importance in QS regulation, the loss of function of the master regulator LasR is now considered a conserved adaptation of P. aeruginosa, irrespective of the origin of the strains. By investigating the QS circuitry in surface-grown cells, we found an accumulation of QS signal 3-oxo-C12-HSL in the absence of its cognate receptor and activator, LasR. The current understanding of the QS circuit, mostly based on planktonic growing cells, is challenged by investigating the QS circuitry of surface-grown cells. This provides a new perspective on the beneficial aspects that underline the frequency of LasR-deficient isolates.

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