
The relationship between monsoon-induced productivity and ocean circulation over millennial timescales is crucial. However, a study regarding the circulation of the western Arabian Sea (WAS) needs to be conducted. Understanding the seasonal, surface, and thermocline ocean circulation throughout the glacial-Interglacial period in the WAS is also elusive and essential. The long distant Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW) flow, and Sub-antarctic Mode Water (SAMW) penetration to the north side of the equator in the Indian Ocean needs to be understood and underlined using the micropaleontological (planktonic foraminiferal assemblages) and geochemical analysis such as oxygen isotope of Globigerinoides ruber and Neogloboquadrina dutertrei (δ18OG.ruber and δ18ON.dutertrei) in this study. Furthermore, understanding the variations in paleoproductivity, upper oceanic water column stratification, surface mixing, and thermocline layer variability in the WAS is also helpful. According to the results, the variation in the upwelling intensity during Glacial-Interglacial and monsoon variation suggest the upper water stratification/vertical mixing in the WAS. Here, we provide new evidence of poorly ventilated water mass in our region. Our results indicate that enhanced northward expansion of AAIW coincides with the weakening of summer monsoon during glacial periods except mid-MIS4, reflected by isotopic study and assemblages. In this context, depleted δ18ON. dutertrei value and high concentration of Globorotalia menardii (G. menardii) were due to lack/absence of AAIW ventilation and SAMW; therefore, warming occurred in the mid-MIS4.

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