
Abstract Snakes, as ectotherms, rely heavily on environmental temperature to drive physiological processes. Activity in terrestrial snakes is influenced heavily by environmental temperature, but climatic, temporal, and ecological factors play a role as well. Understanding when and under what conditions a species is most likely to be active on the surface can be important when dealing with a cryptic species and a species that occurs at low densities. Surface activity, body temperature (Tb), and microclimatic data were collected during a study of 17 Heterodon platirhinos in an early-successional sand-dune ecosystem from 2009 to 2011 using temperature-sensitive radiotransmitters. Mean Tb (27.9°C, SE = 0.24) and Tb range (5.5–39.5°C) were similar to those reported in other studies of H. platirhinos. Females were generally more active than males, except in September when males may be searching for mates. Mixed-effects logistic regression was used to assess the relationship between snake surface activity and se...

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