
Tangible cultural heritage is the legacy of physical artifacts from past generation in a nation. Indonesia is a nation which is rich in cultural heritage. Surakarta is a city that has a lot of historic buildings and other physical cultural heritage. Preservation of the cultural heritage of Surakarta can be done in various ways. One way to preserve it is to create an integrated documentation and renewable. In this research, we try to build Geographical Information System (GIS) based on web. The making of GIS of Surakarta cultural heritage, intended to facilitate the inventory, monitoring, follow-up and can be used as a reference for determining policy related to the cultural heritage conservation. Surakarta GIS is complemented with a function to register the historical heritage. Registration can be done by either the local community or the manager of the historical heritage. This function can also assist the government in obtaining the data of other historical heritages that have not been registered, so that the heritage can be protected by the government. The system is built using MapServer and PostgreSQL to manage spatial data.

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