
Sura al-asr is a beautiful verse of wisdom by God revealed in Holy Quran, in which God gives a very comprehensive message to every human being regardless of religion. We have tried our best to research its meaning, and to depict some of past 1500 year workings on it. We conducted a research work about Sura asr of Holy Quran on following grounds: 1. To provide basic understanding about Sura asr of Holy Quran. 2. To indicate relative importance of this verse in Quran and Islam. 3. To collect research data on Sura al asr from various sources via different Tafaseer of Quran. For the purpose of detailed research study on sura Al asr, we based our core working upon 2 well established tafsir books as below: 1. Representative of Sunni thoughts: The Tafhim-ul-Quran by Moulana Abul Ala Maududi. Maudadi spent 30 years writing his tafsir; he began in 1942 and completed it in 1972. 2. Representative of Shia thoughts: Tafsir ul Quran compiled by Ayatullah Sayyid Kamal Faghih Imani, working with Amir-ul-Mumineen Ali (A.S.) Public Library Isfahan, Islamic Republic of Iran. In addition to above books, we have used references & citations from Holy Quran, Hadith, & other religious books as well. We have also provided references as footnotes to support our research endeavors on every page. Remember that this is still a draft paper and we are trying to modify it in current year 2009 with the help of scholars and more references. Pray for our success and if you can provide help you will be welcomed.........

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