
Cochlear implanted (CI) adults with acquired deafness are known to depend on multisensory integration skills (MSI) for speech comprehension through the fusion of speech reading skills and their deficient auditory perception. But, little is known on how CI patients perceive prosodic information relating to speech content. Our study aimed to identify how CI patients use MSI between visual and auditory information to process paralinguistic prosodic information of multimodal speech and the visual strategies employed. A psychophysics assessment was developed, in which CI patients and hearing controls (NH) had to distinguish between a question and a statement. The controls were separated into two age groups (young and aged-matched) to dissociate any effect of aging. In addition, the oculomotor strategies used when facing a speaker in this prosodic decision task were recorded using an eye-tracking device and compared to controls. This study confirmed that prosodic processing is multisensory but it revealed that CI patients showed significant supra-normal audiovisual integration for prosodic information compared to hearing controls irrespective of age. This study clearly showed that CI patients had a visuo-auditory gain more than 3 times larger than that observed in hearing controls. Furthermore, CI participants performed better in the visuo-auditory situation through a specific oculomotor exploration of the face as they significantly fixate the mouth region more than young NH participants who fixate the eyes, whereas the aged-matched controls presented an intermediate exploration pattern equally reported between the eyes and mouth. To conclude, our study demonstrated that CI patients have supra-normal skills MSI when integrating visual and auditory linguistic prosodic information, and a specific adaptive strategy developed as it participates directly in speech content comprehension.

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