
Secreted proteins from cultured rat Sertoli cells were assessed for effects on phytolectin-stimulated rat splenic lymphocytes. Sertoli cell proteins (SCP) suppressed DNA, RNA and protein synthesis in stimulated rat splenic lymphocytes whether added at 0, 4, 24 and 48 h after culture initiation. SCP preparations were not toxic to cells. SCP suppressive activity was heat stable but was not associated with the carbohydrate component of SCP preparations. SCP also suppressed the proliferation of lymphoid and non-lymphoid cell lines from several different animal species but did not inhibit proliferation-independent lysis of YAC-1 target cells by rat natural killer cells. These results suggest that Sertoli cells synthesize inhibitory factors that might be secreted into seminal plasma. Furthermore, our results demonstrate that one mode of action of these factors is suppression of cell proliferation.

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