
It has long been recognized that broadband laser light has the potential to control parametric instabilities in inertial-confinement-fusion (ICF) plasmas. Here, we use results from laser-plasma-interaction simulations to estimate the bandwidth requirements for mitigating the three predominant classes of instabilities in direct-drive ICF implosions: cross-beam energy transfer (CBET), two-plasmon decay (TPD), and stimulated Raman scattering (SRS). We find that for frequency-tripled, Nd:glass laser light, a bandwidth of 8.5 THz can significantly increase laser absorption by suppressing CBET, while ∼13 THz is needed to mitigate absolute TPD and SRS on an ignition-scale platform. None of the glass lasers used in contemporary ICF experiments, however, possess a bandwidth greater than 1 THz and reaching larger values requires the use of an auxiliary broadening technique such as optical parametric amplification or stimulated-rotational-Raman scattering. An arguably superior approach is the adoption of an argon-fluoride (ArF) laser as an ICF driver. Besides having a broad bandwidth of ∼10 THz, the ArF laser also possesses the shortest wavelength (193 nm) that can scale to the high energy/power required for ICF—a feature that helps to mitigate parametric instabilities even further. We show that these native properties of ArF laser light are sufficient to eliminate nearly all CBET scattering in a direct-drive target and also raise absolute TPD and SRS thresholds well above those for broadband glass lasers. The effective control of parametric instabilities with broad bandwidth is potentially a “game changer” in ICF because it would enable higher laser intensities and ablation pressures in future target designs.

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