
Uncompressed HD (high-definition) video delivery over wireless personal area networks (WPANs) is a challenging problem because of the limited bandwidth and variations in channel. The most straight forward technique to recover from channel errors is to retransmit corrupted packets. However, retransmissions introduce significant delay/jitter and require additional bandwidth. Therefore, retransmissions may be unsuitable for uncompressed video streaming. In this paper, we develop, simulate, and evaluate an millimeter- wave (mmWave) system for supporting uncompressed video streams up to 3-Gbps without any retransmissions. New features of the mmWave system incorporates: (i) UEP (unequal error protection) where different video bits (MSBs and LSBs) are protected differently, (ii) a multiple-CRC to determine whether MSB or/and LSB portions are in error, (iii) RS code swapping (RSS), an error concealment scheme which can conceal some errors in video pixels. Simulations using real uncompressed HD images indicate that the proposed mmWave system can maintain good average PSNR (peak-signal-to-noise-ratio) under poor channel conditions, achieving what is generally accepted as a good picture quality with PSNR values greater than 40 dB. Moreover, the proposed system results in less fluctuating PSNR values.

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