
Abstract The Austrian programme “Suicide Prevention Austria (SUPRA)” was selected as a best practice example to be implemented in other European countries as part of the Joint Action ImpleMENTAL. The main objective of the dedicated work package on SUPRA is to develop and/or scale up the suicide prevention strategies of the participating countries based on the best practice example, ensuring that specific components of SUPRA are carefully selected, taking into account the respective country context. To gain an in-depth understanding of the current situation and required resources in the field of suicide prevention in each participating country or region, a Situation and Needs Analysis (SANA) will be conducted. National/regional working groups will be trained and assisted in identifying elements of SUPRA to be pilot implemented, based on the results of the SANA and the priorities within the participating countries. Components of SUPRA include: (i) ensuring that suicide prevention is organisationally embedded and co-ordinated), (ii) support and treatment of high risk groups according to their specific needs, (iii) restriction of access to means of suicide with the aim of making access as difficult as possible), (iv) ensuring that awareness and knowledge of suicidality and about coping with psychosocial crises are widespread among the general population), (v) integrating suicide prevention programmes into other existing health promotion activities and into addiction and violence prevention measures, (vi) quality assurance of suicide prevention on the basis of scientific expertise and evidence. Participating countries are supported in developing draft national/regional strategies and in initiating (first steps towards) pilot-implementation of selected suicide prevention interventions through workshops, training sessions and webinars.

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