
Many islands around the world present considerable energy supply problems, while their energy mixture is controlled by oil products. Meanwhile, several of these isolated islands enjoy excellent RES potential that support actions to maximize RES integration. In order to ameliorate energy supply security and energy autonomy of the Aegean Archipelagos Greek islands, an integrated solution is deployed based on the exploitation of the existing RES potential in conjunction with the application of an appropriate energy storage scheme, as well as complementary smart-grid elements. The proposed solution has been applied for the Greek Tilos island in the framework of the Tilos-Horizon 2020 program. In this context, the implementation of the integrated Tilos energy solution under the current local legislative frame is a great success story introducing several important innovative characteristics in the European market, like the combined operation of a wind turbine and a PV installation, the application of new technology battery energy storage, the installation of a DSM network/platform and the development of a large number of reliable forecasting algorithms. The innovative integrated solution is a real-world working operating example offering knowledge and proving that the solution deployed could be equally well applied in various other remote islands throughout the European territory with very promising results.


  • Forecasting methods and associated systems can be taken into account under the scope of upgrading the operation and ameliorating the flexibility of the complete electricity production system (EPS), while in parallel maximizing Renewable Energy Sources (RES) contribution. Such an example is the deployment of an innovative Forecasting Platform (FP) that is capable of providing reliable predictions of load demand, solar power and wind power generation several hours ahead [20,21]

  • Itand is the one governingthe theoperation operation from mid-September in January, one governing ofof thethe from mid-September untiluntil earlyearly in January, i.e., i.e., when aa second secondround roundofoftrial trial operation started testing of different set-point profiles operation started forfor thethe testing of different set-point profiles for the the HPS

  • The combined operation of a wind turbine and a PV installation, the application of new technology battery energy storage, the installation of DSM network/platform and the development of a large number of reliable forecasting algorithms are among the main results of the proposed strategy

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The Current Situation of Greek Remote Islands Electricity System

Many islands around the world present considerable energy supply problems, while their energy mixture is controlled by oil products [1,2]. Energy supply security is related to both the dependence on oil imports as well as to the fact that the majority of these islands are subject to even greater challenges in the occasion of critical damage to local thermal power generation stations or a power network failure [3] In this context, improving energy security would dictate to reduce the energy dependence on imported fuels [4], and to establish a diversified energy mix [5], considering the increasing contribution of high percentages of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) power generation. Have during thealmost last fifty years, the Non-Interconnected (NIIs)generation electricity starequirements been exclusively covered by autonomous power requirements have been almost exclusively covered by autonomous power generation stations (APS) comprised of internal combustion engines and gas turbines.

RES Power Generation in NIIs of the Aegean Archipelagos
E F 1450
The Application Paradigm of Tilos Island
Tilos Electricity Grid
HPS-Wind Turbine
HPS-PV Plant
Tilos Island Demand Side Management
Evaluation of Tilos Island Solution
Conclusions and Proposals
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