
Use-Modify-Create (UMC) has gained recognition as a viable scaffolding approach for student programming activities, but little is known about how UMC could support CS learning in game-based learning environments. We designed and developed a game to teach middle grade students (ages 11-13) CS through block-based programming challenges. The game integrates a UMC pedagogical framework to promote successful student outcomes for a wide variety of student abilities, including those without prior programming experience. Utilizing a mixed-methods research design, we investigated how the game influenced student learning of CS concepts and the role of UMC on the problem-solving strategies students applied to complete the game. In particular, we were interested in how prior experience would moderate these outcomes. Results from a multilevel model of students' pre-and post-assessment scores (N = 77) on a CS concepts assessment indicated that all students, regardless of prior programming experience, showed significant learning gains from pre to post after playing the game. Qualitative results revealed that the UMC scaffolding progression provided students, particularly those with little to no prior programming experience, with the foundational knowledge needed to progress through the game levels and challenges. Specifically, we found that the Use phases of the game reduced novice students' cognitive load and facilitated the necessary CS conceptual understanding to solve the open-ended programming tasks encountered in the game's Modify and Create phases. Our findings demonstrate the efficacy of UMC to support the learning of novice programmers in a game-based learning environment while not to the detriment of those more experienced.

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