
ABSTRACT While urban environments do indeed have sounds that are exhilarating and exciting, people also comment that these environments are too often loud and uncomfortable. New York City excites people with the sounds accompanying the Macy’s Day parade and the celebration at Times Square on New Year’s Eve but its subway din, traffic roars, and sirens garner many complaints. With noise impacts increasingly being recognized as harmful to mental and physical health, urban centers have introduced measures to lessen the din of their cities. As an educator, I long recognized that one should enlist young people in our efforts to lower the decibel level. Thus, I was delighted to work with the New York City Department of Environmental Protection’s education arm on their curricula for school children, from the low grades through high school, that would teach them about the beauty of the good sounds and the dangers of loud sounds and noise. This article introduces readers to the Sound and Noise Module which can be accessed at the New York City’s Department of Environmental Protection site. The lesson plans on the Sound and Noise Module are a worthwhile read for all people interested in working towards a quieter and healthier society.

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