
<h3>Research Objectives</h3> Explore employment and mental health related barriers and facilitators, service needs, and priorities for women survivors of intimate partner violence (IPV) with traumatic brain injury (TBI) and develop stakeholder informed knowledge translation (KT) materials and implement them through the Abused & Brain Injured Toolkit. <h3>Design</h3> Two sequential projects: one exploring knowledge and service gaps, and the second to develop KT materials to address those gaps. Data were collected via focus groups and semi-structured interviews. Reporting shall follow the consolidated criteria for reporting qualitative research. <h3>Setting</h3> Community-based, participatory research model with data collection taking place online via phone or videoconference interviews, online surveys, and email. <h3>Participants</h3> A convenience sample of key stakeholders including frontline workers, executive directors/program managers in the IPV sector, women survivors of IPV, health care professionals, and employers. 24 stakeholders participated in interviews or focus groups to inform development of the KT materials and were invited to provide feedback mid-design. <h3>Interventions</h3> N/A. <h3>Main Outcome Measures</h3> We engaged in member checking to seek feedback on the prototype KT materials. <h3>Results</h3> Based on identified gaps and stakeholder input, two KT modules, one for employment and one for mental health, were developed for our existing online educational toolkit (Abused and Brain Injured Toolkit, abitoolkit.ca). Survivors' employment needs fell into two main categories, maintaining employment and obtaining employment. Mental health related challenges centred on difficulties parsing impacts of brain injury from mental health. <h3>Conclusions</h3> TBI knowledge among IPV service providers is increasing. As it does, additional education and resources will be needed to support survivors in various aspects of their lives. The development of KT modules directly addresses this, broadening available educational material in this area. <h3>Author(s) Disclosures</h3> The authors have no disclosures to report.

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