
Most data-aware process modelling approaches have been developed from a process perspective and lack a full-fledged data modelling approach. In addition, the evaluation of data-centric process approaches reveals that, even though their value is acknowledged, their usability is a point of concern. This paper presents a data-aware process modelling approach combining full-fledged domain modelling based on UML class diagrams and state charts with BPMN. The proof-of-concept has been implemented using the MERODE code generator, linking the resulting prototype application to a Camunda BPM engine, making use of RESTful web-services. The proof of concept is evaluated against 20 requirements for data-aware processes and demonstrates that the majority of these are already satisfied by this out-of-the-box prototyping approach.KeywordsConceptual modellingProcess modellingData-aware processesModel-driven engineering

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