
Decomposition is a technology-independent process, in which a large complex function is broken into smaller, less complex functions. The costs of two-level or factored-form representations (cubes and literals) are used in most decomposition methods, as they have a high correlation with the area of cell-based designs. However, this correlation is weaker for field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) based on look-up tables. Furthermore, local optimizations have limited power due to the structural bias of the circuit descriptions. This paper tries to reduce the structural biasing by remapping the look-up table network and decomposing the derived functions using the support as cost function. The proposed method improves the FPGA mapping results of a commercial tool for the 20 largest MCNC benchmarks, with gains of 28% in delay plus 18% in area when targeting delay, and a reduction of 28% in area plus 14% in delay with area as cost function. Results with 23% less area and 6% less delay are obtained after physical synthesis (post place-and-route). Moreover, 12 of the best known results for delay (and 3 for area) of the EPFL benchmarks are improved.

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