
Numerous studies document support for sexuality education in the schools. However, there is a dearth of research assessing support for sexual health services offered through school-based health clinics (SBHCs). The purpose of this study was to assess voter support for offering 3 sexual health services (STI/HIV testing, STI/HIV treatment, condom distribution) through SBHCs. The survey was developed after review of existing surveys on support for sexuality education and sexual health services. The university's Public Opinion Research Laboratory used random-digit-dialing to administer the survey to participants (N = 311) including residential and cell phone numbers. Most participants were supportive of offering sexual health services at both middle schools (MS) and high schools (HS): testing for STIs/HIV (61% MS, 76% HS), treatment for STIs/HIV (60% MS, 75% HS), and provision of condoms (44% MS, 63% HS). Analyses showed significant differences in support for sexual health services by a few demographic variables, opinions about sexuality education, and the percentage of students perceived to have had sexual intercourse. Results document support for offering sexual health services through SBHCs. These findings may benefit other communities looking to implement similar clinics. Such services have great potential for positively impacting the sexual health of youth.

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