
ABSTRACT Supply chain resilience is a growing field of study that takes on many characteristics of risk management. Researchers have done much to define the idea of resilience and what it means to companies and their supply chains. However, there is confusion regarding the goals of risk management and supply chain resilience. This paper seeks to bring clarity to these issues and define the objectives of resilience by establishing a set of propositions on resilience as it relates to disruptions, profitability, and risk management practices. First, an extensive literature review of the most recent supply chain resilience studies is conducted that examines extant definitions of supply chain resilience along with tools that have been used in industry to establish firm level resilience. Then, each proposition is described and applied to create a conceptual resilience framework to predict the impacts of supply chain resilience. Finally, an application of our framework and future research directions are discussed regarding a synthesis of conceptual and empirical research pre and post exerting resilience capabilities in industry. Keywords Supply Chain Management, Resilience, Disruptions, Vulnerabilities, Risk Management

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