
Abstract Research purpose. The study aims at establishing how supply chain management (SCM) activities of manufacturing firms influence their performance optimally. Design/Methodology/Approach. The research design adopted for the study is the survey research design; this is because we were interested in gathering information from a selected strategic fraction of a target population as it is not possible to meet them all. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data from two hundred and twenty-seven (227) professionals from the five selected manufacturing firms in Lagos. The data were analyzed by the structural equation modelling (SEM) technique to ascertain the causal effect of the latent exogenous variables on the latent endogenous variables in the study. Findings. Based on the results of the SEM adopted in testing the research hypotheses, strategic partnership has a statistically significant positive effect on customer satisfaction of manufacturing firms. Customer relationship management was revealed to have a positive effect on firm performance from the path analysis. This is substantiated by the path coefficient (0.35) of customer relationship management on performance proxied by customer satisfaction. However, information sharing has a weak positive effect on performance proxied by manufacturing efficiency. This is substantiated by the path coefficient (0.11) of information sharing on performance though the effect is not significant as p>0.05 and CR<1.96. Material flow management has a positive effect on performance proxied by manufacturing efficiency. This is substantiated by the path coefficient (0.30) of material flow management on firm performance. There is a positive effect of lean production on performance proxied by innovation performance. This is substantiated by the path coefficient (0.25) of lean production on performance. Finally, participative design/engineering was revealed to have a positive effect on performance proxied by innovation performance. This is substantiated by the path coefficient (0.23) of participative design/engineering on performance. Originality/Value/Practical implications. This paper demonstrates that a higher degree of acceptance, application, and enhancement in SCM methods would directly increase the performance of manufacturing firms, especially in third world countries.

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