
Bejiharjo Tourism Village was established as a tourist destination in 2010. The development of CBTIs as a form of community social enterprise is considered important because the company is expected to foster economic, socio-cultural and environmental harmonization. Development of tourist destinations in the village of Bejiharjo is the opposite. Based on an analysis of the performance of tourist supply chain (TSC) management, the level of citizen participation, the number of tourists, and tourism income increased dramatically in the beginning of the growth. However, in recent developments, the level of participation is no longer in line with the number of tourist visits and income. In fact, social companies operate on limited, inefficient management performance, poor tourism services, and tourist disaffection. This is due to the weakness of social companies in managing TSC. The company faces various scarcities and weaknesses in developing strategies and management of each chain. This can be seen from the weak source of empowerment strategy, enterprise management, development and innovation of tourism products and tourist services. Government policies tend to be ineffective, have unclear rules, and are accompanied by difficulties in establishing rules and agreements between companies. The entire process of TSC management has made social companies face conflict among enterprise and landlord and the performance fell sharply. Furthermore, this condition might marginalize and disadvantage the destination. This is a big challenge for the process and purpose of the community social enterprises

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