
In order for health institutions to continue their activities, the goods and services they need must be supplied at the right time, in the right amount, at the right quality, at an affordable price and from the right source. This is possible with an effective supply chain management and selection of the right supplier. Supplier selection studies in the health sector are almost nonexistent, therefore, it was wanted to contribute to the literature by studying in this sector. In this study, it was aimed to work with the right suppliers to ensure that a dental health center provides critical medical supplies. First of all, the products of vital importance were determined by ABC (Always, Better Control)-VED (Vital, Essential, Desirable) matrix analysis and a supplier list was created. The best suppliers were selected with the Zero-One Goal Programming method based on AHP priorities, one of the multi-criteria decision making methods, by determining the criteria suitable for the sector.It is thought that this model will contribute significantly to the literature and will save time in supplier selection studies in the health sector.

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