
This experiment evaluated performance, health, and physiological responses of high-risk steers receiving a Bacillus-based probiotic during a 90-d grazing period. A total of 240 Angus-influenced steers were used in this experiment that was replicated over 2 yr (120 steers/year). Each year, steers were obtained from an auction yard and transported to the experimental facility (120 km). Steer body weight (BW) was recorded at arrival (d -1), and this value was averaged with BW recorded on d 0 to represent initial BW (236.6 ± 1.5kg). On d 0, steers were ranked by BW and allocated to 1 of 12 pastures with stockpiled native grass (4-ha pastures; 10 steers/pasture). Pastures were randomly assigned to receive daily supplementation with dried distillers' grains at 1% of BW containing either: 1) Bacillus subtilis + B. licheniformis probiotic (BOV; 2g/steer daily of Bovacillus™; Novonesis, Horsholm, Denmark) or 2) no feed additive (CON). Cattle received treatments from d 0 to 90, in addition to free-choice access to water and mineral + vitamin mix without ionophore. Steers were assessed for bovine respiratory disease (BRD) signs daily. Blood samples were collected and full BW was recorded on d 0, 14, 28, 56, and 90. Shrunk BW was recorded on d 91 after 16h of feed and water restriction, and a 4% pencil shrink was used to calculate final BW. Average daily gain (ADG) was calculated based on initial and final BW. No treatment effects were detected (P ≥ 0.73) for steer final BW and ADG. A treatment × day interaction was detected (P ≤ 0.05) for plasma haptoglobin concentration, which was greater for CON steers on d 14 and 28 (P ≤ 0.02). Incidence of BRD signs did not differ (P = 0.97) between treatments (51.7 and 51.3% for BOV and CON, respectively; SEM = 7.70). However, steer mortality + removals for health complications were greater (P = 0.01) in CON compared to BOV (0.00 vs. 5.04%, respectively; SEM = 1.41). Supplementing BOV improved (P ≤ 0.04) total pasture-based liveweight change (643 vs. 502kg/pasture, respectively; SEM = 45) and final pasture-based total liveweight (3,007 vs. 2,869kg/pasture, respectively; SEM = 46). Collectively, supplementation with a probiotic based on B. subtilis and B. licheniformis to high-risk stocker cattle did not alleviate incidence of BRD signs nor improved ADG, but decreased acute-phase protein response, reduced steer mortality + removal, and increased pasture-based productivity during a 90-d grazing period.

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