
<p>Supplementary tables 1-4 and figures 1-4: Table 1: Comparison of non-participants/non-responders versus participants/responders for the oral HPV protocol of NHANES 2009-2012. Table 2: Comparison of oral HPV prevalence between NHANES 2009-2010 and NHANES 2011-2012. Table 3: Prevalence of oral oncogenic HPV infection and unadjusted prevalence differences by demographic and behavioral characteristics among men and women in the U.S., NHANES 2009-2012. Table 4: Adjusted associations of demographic and behavioral factors with HPV prevalence for 12 oncogenic HPV types among men and women in the U.S. population, NHANES 2009-2012. Figure 1: Adjusted association of age with oral oncogenic HPV prevalence among men and women in the U.S., NHANES 2009-2012. Figure 2: Prevalence of oral oncogenic HPV among men and women in the U.S. (NHANES 2009-2012) using a revised classification for oncogenic types. Figure 3: Burden of 12 oral oncogenic HPV infection among men in the U.S. population, NHANES 2009-2012. Figure 4: Burden of 12 oral oncogenic HPV infection among women in the U.S. population, NHANES 2009-2012.</p>

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