
Live greenlip abalone, Haliotis laevigata, are highly valued in Australian export markets with demand increasingly being met with cultured stock. Live transportation of abalone requires the maintenance of favourable conditions within transport containers for periods exceeding 35 h. We examined the combined effects of temperature regulation (ice provision) and of supplemental oxygen (60% and 100% concentrations) on mortality rates of abalone over 7 days following a 35-h simulated live-transport experiment. We also examined the physiological condition of greenlip abalone (oxygen consumption rate, haemolymph pH and weight) during the simulation experiment. The provision of ice and supplementary oxygen reduced abalone mortalities. Omission of ice and supplementary oxygen during the transport simulation resulted in mortality rates ranging from 70% to 100%. The addition of ice to containers with ambient oxygen concentrations decreased average mortality rates by 50%. While supplementary oxygen further reduced these rates, the provision of both ice and 100% oxygen was by far the most effective combination, reducing mortalities to between 2% and 6%. Supplementary oxygen increased oxygen consumption rates of abalone above those transported at ambient oxygen concentrations. Live-transport decreased haemolymph pH in all treatments but was most pronounced in treatments without ice or supplementary oxygen. On average, abalone lost 7–13% of their weight during the simulation but this loss was independent of transport treatment.

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