
<p>Supplementary Figure 3 - PDF file 455K, A. CHLA-255 cells were cultures alone or in the presence of sIL-6R (25ng/mL) or IL-6 (10 ng/mL) before being treated with etoposide as indicated in Figure 3. After 24 hours, cells were examined for Annexin V expression by Flow cytometry. The data represents the mean percent of Annexin V positive cells from triplicate samples. B. CHLA-255 and human monocytes were co-cultured as described in figure 6E. Cells were then separated by flow cytometry using anti-GD2 antibody (CHLA-255) and an anti-CD14 (monocytes) and examined for nuclear pSTAT3 by flow cytometry. C. Increased expression of in bone marrow samples from patients with metastatic neuroblastoma. Paraffin-embedded sections of bone marrow biopsies stained by immunohistochemistry of patients without (Left panel) and with (Right panel) tumor cells (scale bar = 50 �m). Increased expression of pSTAT3 and survivin (top) and Bcl-xL (bottom) in bone marrow samples from patients with metastatic neuroblastoma. Left panel, Representative paraffin-embedded sections of bone marrow biopsies from patients, stained by immunohistochemistry for pSTAT3 and survivin of Bcl-xL as indicated in Materials and Methods (scale bar = 50 �m). Right panel, The graph represents the mean number (�SD) of pSTAT3 and survivin positive cells in five 40x fields examined in bone marrow without (n=5) and with (n=5) tumor cells</p>

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