
<p>Figure S6. HeSPs strongly reduce the levels of heme transporters without affecting iron metabolism in subcutaneous NSCLC tumor xenografts. A, Representative IHC images of H1299 NSCLC tumor tissue sections and graphs showing the levels of SLC48A1 in control and HeSP-treated tumors. B, Representative IHC images of H1299 NSCLC tumor tissue sections and graphs showing the levels of SLC46A1 in control and HeSP-treated tumors. C, Representative IHC images of H1299 NSCLC tumor tissue sections and graphs showing the levels of FLVCR2 in control and HeSP-treated tumors. D, Representative IHC images of H1299 NSCLC tumor tissue sections and graphs showing the levels of ferroportin 1, SLC40A1, in control and HeSP-treated tumors. E, Representative IHC images of H1299 NSCLC tumor tissue sections and graphs showing the levels of transferrin receptor TFRC in control and HeSP-treated tumors. Shown IHC figures are montages or 10X images of control and HeSP-treated tumor tissue sections stained with DAPI or antibodies against the indicated protein. The white rectangles in DAPI images denote the regions shown in 10X images. Liver is shown as a positive control for the detection of all proteins shown. Scale bar: montage, 1 mm; 10X, 200 μm. F, Representative 40X IHC images of H1299 NSCLC tumor tissue sections showing the colocalization of FLVCR2, SLC46A1, TFRC, and SLC40A1 with membrane marker PMCA1. Scale bar, 20 µm. G, Iron stain did not detect noticeable difference between control and treated tumor tissues. (Left) Shown are montages, 10X, and 40X images of control and HeSP-treated tumor tissue sections stained with iron stain. Liver is shown as a positive control for iron stain. The black rectangles in montages, 10X images are the regions shown in 10X and 40X images, respectively. Scale bar: montage, 1 mm; 10X, 200 µm; 40X, 50 µm. (Right) The levels of iron in tumor lysates from control mice and mice treated with HeSPs. Liver lysates were used as a positive control while BSA solution was used as a negative control. Protein and iron levels were quantified. Data were plotted as mean {plus minus} SEM. **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.005.</p>

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