
<p>Plate 1. Structural cross sections across the Valley and Ridge province. Cross section locations are shown in Figure 1A. Filled red circles are sample locations projected down- plunge from ~15 km on either side of the section. Restored sections (shown below each structural cross section) show the inferred syntectonic overburden (orange shading) and the approximate pre- deformation locations of samples used to determine syntectonic overburden (red filled circles). Also shown are the ranges of calculated overburden for each location based on fluid inclusion microthermometry (Table S1 [see text footnote 1]). Some locations have more than one trapping depth determination. Generalized stratigraphy is shown in Figure 1B. Solid blue unit is the Cambrian–Ordovician lithotectonic unit. Blue line is the top of the Silurian Tuscarora Formation. Red line is the top of the Lower Devonian Oriskany Formation. Brown line is the base of the Mississippian Pocono Group. Purple line is the base of the Pennsylvanian Pottsville Formation. Green in sections 1, 2, and 3 is Silurian Salina Group salt. Screw indicates the foreland pin line. Thrust blocks are numbered in order to relate present overburden determination to the estimated restored position. Sample numbers are keyed to Table S1 (see text footnote 1). C Clastic—Cambrian clastic rocks, C-O—Cambrian–Ordovician carbonate rocks, M—Mississippian rocks, MD-UD—Middle to Upper Devonian rocks, P—Pennsylvanian rocks, PC—Precambrian rocks. AVS—Aughwick Valley syncline, BMA—Blue Mountain anticline, BMtA—Backlog Mountain anticline, BS—Bedford syncline, BVA—Brush Valley anticline, CMA—Conococheague Mountain anticline, CS—Clearville syncline, DVA—Decker Valley anticline, ECS—Evitts Creek syncline, MBS—Meadow Branch synclinorium, MGS—Meadow Ground syncline, MMS—Martin Mountain syncline, NLVA—New Lancaster Valley anticline, NMT—North Mountain thrust fault, PVA—Penns Valley anticline, PVNA—Penns Valley Narrows anticline, SHS—Sideling Hill syncline, SVA—Sugar Valley anticline, TA—Tuscarora anticline, THS—Town Hill syncline, TRS—Timber Ridge syncline, TVS—Tuscarora Valley syncline, WMtA—White Mountain anticline, WS—Wellersburg syncline. </p>

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