
Vegetation Management along the McNary-Ross Transmission Line ROW between 152/3+2120 to 153/4. The line is 345 kV Single Circuit Transmission Line (project includes adjacent N. Bonneville-Ross 230 kV Single Circuit Transmission Line) having a combined easement width of 300 feet. The proposed work will be accomplished in the indicated sections of the transmission line corridor. BPA proposes to clear unwanted vegetation in the rights-of-ways and around tower structures that may impede the operation and maintenance of the subject transmission line. Also, access road clearing will be conducted. All work will be in accordance with the National Electrical Safety Code and BPA standards. BPA plans to conduct vegetation control with the goal of removing tall growing vegetation that is currently or will soon be a hazard to the transmission line. BPA’s overall goal is to have low-growing plant communities along the rights-of-way to control the development of potentially threatening vegetation.

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