
The trial was conduced with the objective of determine the effect of energy and protein supplements, with different protein degradability (glutenose and soybean meal), supplied in two levels, on ruminal pH and N-NH3 and disappearance of the forage DM, CP and NDF, in steers grazing Marandu pasture. Were used the randomized blocks design in split plot scheme, considering the treatments on the primary parcels and the times of incubation on the sub-parcels, with three replications. The supplementation did not affect the forage DM, and NDF potential (DEPOT), effective (DEEF) degradability, degradation rate (TXDEG). In relation to DM, the soybean meal presented the higher DEPOT, than COR, and GLU. The FSO supplementation produced higher TXDEG compared to the GLU. However, on the CP fraction, the lowest DEPOT, and DEEF were observed when the steers received GLU. The FSO utilization resulted in highest protein TXDEG compared to the others. The steers, control, and that receiving different supplementation showed similar (P > 0.05) ruminal N-NH3 values. However, the animals that received FSO showed highest N-NH3 values, compared to the others, mainly at 8:00, and 20:00 hours of the evaluation. The treatments did not affect the ruminal pH, and passage rate. It’s possible to conclude that supplementation did not affect the forage degradability, probably due to the low ruminal N-NH3 values, and minimal pH changes during the experimental period.


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  • A forragem utilizada no ensaio de degradação foi colhida da fístula esofageana de dois bovinos em pastejo

  • Different letters in the same row are statistically different by Tukey test (p < 0.05)

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Material e métodos

O experimento foi conduzido nas instalações do Departamento de Zootecnia na Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias - Unesp, campus de Jaboticabal. Em intervalos de 15 dias, foi estimada a massa de forragem a partir de coletas ao acaso e corte rente ao solo, com auxílio de moldura metálica de 0,49 m2. Determinou-se a matéria seca total (MST) e separaram-se devidamente a porção verde (massa forragem verde seca (MFVS)) e a porção senescente (matéria senescente seca (MSS)). Como forma de caracterização do pasto diferido, foram estimadas as quantidades de massa seca total (MST) e as proporções de massa de forragem verde seca (MFVS) e massa senescente seca (MSS) obtidas no pasto de Brachiaria brizantha cv. Durante o período de vedação (Tabela 1). Massa seca total (MST) e proporções de massa forragem verde seca (MFVS) e massa senescente seca (MSS) no pasto de B. brizantha cv.

Data da avaliação Evaluation date
Suplementação de bovinos mantidos em pasto
Frações Fractions
Glutenose Urea Amount
Suplementos Supplements
Extrusa Extrusa
Resultados e discussão
Tratamento Treatment
Mean CP Mean
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