
Venkatadass K, Balachandar G, Rajasekaran S. Is Prone Position Ideal for Manipulation and Pinning of Displaced Pediatric Extension-type Supracondylar Fractures of Humerus?: A Randomized Control Trial. J Pediatr Orthop. 2014 Nov 12. ### Question: In children with displaced supracondylar humeral fractures, is there an advantage to prone versus supine positioning while performing a closed reduction and pinning of the fracture? ### Design: Randomized (allocation concealed), unblinded, controlled trial with 1 year of follow-up. ### Setting: The Ganga Hospital in Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India. ### Patients: 52 children between 3 and 14 years of age (mean age, 7 years; 79% boys) with acute Gartland type-III fractures. Exclusion criteria were Gartland type-I and II fractures, closed physis, associated vascular injury, or open fracture. 50 patients (96%) completed the study. ### Intervention: Patients were allocated to undergo surgery in the prone (n = 26) or supine position (n = 26). One surgeon experienced in both techniques performed the surgeries. Patients in the prone group were positioned with the arm over a board and a cushion supporting the elbow. The reduction in both …

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