
The article deals with the review of the legal regulation of supervision in the payment system. In the course of the study, the author analyzes the concept of national payment broadens its content, monitors interrelations between supervision in the payment system and banking supervision, examines the system of supervision in the payment system that includes the subject, objects, relations between these entities, a regulatory subsystem, purposes and principles of supervision. It concludes that the the Bank of Russia possesses a specific legal status in the payment system, which predetermines non-application of supervision provisions to the payment system of the Bank of Russia. The article also examines the forms of supervision in the payment system, and discloses the content of preliminary, ongoing and subsequent supervision. The author identifies and analyses the legal and organizational principles on the basis of which the Bank of Russia exercises supervision in the payment system.


  • The article deals with the review of the legal regulation of supervision in the national payment system

  • In the course of the study, the author analyzes the concept of "national payment system," broadens its content, monitors interrelations between supervision in the national payment system and banking supervision, examines the system of supervision in the national payment system that includes the subject, objects, relations between these entities, a regulatory subsystem, purposes and principles of supervision. It concludes that the the Bank of Russia possesses a specific legal status in the national payment system, which predetermines non-application of supervision provisions to the payment system of the Bank of Russia

  • The article examines the forms of supervision in the national payment system, and discloses the content of preliminary, ongoing and subsequent supervision

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Надзор в НПС ограничен по кругу объектов — объектами выступают не все субъекты национальной платежной системы или участники платежных систем, а лишь основные организации, обеспечивающие перевод безналичных денежных средств. Что Банк России не может осуществлять надзор за своей деятельностью, что, однако, не означает, что его деятельность как оператора платежной системы Банка России, а также оператора по переводу денежных средств и оператора услуг платежной инфраструктуры не контролируется — контроль осуществляется посредством самоконтроля и наблюдения.

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