
We examine a class of gravity backgrounds obtained by considering the backreaction of a spatially uniform density of mutually BPS Wilson lines or heavy quarks in N=4 SUSY Yang-Mills theory. The configurations preserve eight supercharges and an SO(5) subgroup of the SO(6) R-symmetry. They are obtained by considering the 1/4-BPS geometries associated to smeared string/D3-brane (F1-D3) intersections. We argue that for the (partially) localized intersection, the geometry exhibits a flow from AdS_5 x S^5 in the UV to a novel IR scaling solution displaying anisotropic Lifshitz-like scaling with dynamical critical exponent z=7, hyperscaling violation and a logarithmic running dilaton. We also obtain a two-parameter family of smeared 1/4-BPS solutions on the Coulomb branch of N=4 SYM exhibiting Lifshitz scaling and hyperscaling violation. For a certain parametric range these yield IR geometries which are conformal to AdS_2 x R^3, and which have been argued to be relevant for fermionic physics.


  • We examine a class of gravity backgrounds obtained by considering the backreaction of a spatially uniform density of mutually BPS Wilson lines or heavy quarks in

  • We argue that for the localized intersection, the geometry exhibits a flow from AdS5 × S5 in the UV to a novel IR scaling solution displaying anisotropic Lifshitz-like scaling with dynamical critical exponent z = 7, hyperscaling violation and a logarithmic running dilaton

  • For a certain parametric range these yield IR geometries which are conformal to AdS2 × R3, and which have been argued to be relevant for fermionic physics

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Metric ansatz in 10D

This is related to the fact that the S4 in the geometry does not shrink anywhere in the x-y plane in this IR limit This should be contrasted with AdS5 × S5 wherein the D3-brane charge is obtained by choosing a path with end-points on the x-axis and, importantly, enclosing the origin, as in figure 1. The emergence of an extra non-compact coordinate in the IR geometry suggests that the IR field theory of the smeared heavy quark impurities in N = 4 SYM has an emergent dimension Such an interpretation would be consistent with the presence of a delocalized distribution of D-branes that deconstruct an extra dimension [47]. It would be interesting to have a more precise computation in the exact scaling background (2.13), and to check whether these qualitative expectations are reproduced

UV AdS asymptotics
Coulomb branch solutions and hyperscaling violation
Smeared F1-D3 intersections
A Calibration conditions and equations of motion
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