
Nearly all 6D superconformal field theories (SCFTs) have a partial tensor branch description in terms of a generalized quiver gauge theory consisting of a long one-dimensional spine of quiver nodes with links given by conformal matter; a strongly coupled generalization of a bifundamental hypermultiplet. For theories obtained from M5-branes probing an ADE singularity, this was recently leveraged to extract a protected large R-charge subsector of operators, with operator mixing controlled at leading order in an inverse large R-charge expansion by an integrable spin s Heisenberg spin chain, where s is determined by the su(2)R R-symmetry representation of the conformal matter operator. In this work, we show that this same structure extends to the full superconformal algebra osp(6,2|1). In particular, we determine the corresponding Bethe ansatz equations which govern this super-spin chain, as well as distinguished subsectors which close under operator mixing. Similar considerations extend to 6D little string theories (LSTs) and 4D N=2 SCFTs with the same generalized quiver structures.

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