
The superimposed wave solutions of the variable coefficient nonlinear Schrödinger equations with negative coherent coupling are derived under a more relaxed constraint condition than those in previous literatures. For the benefit of the more relaxed constraint, the dispersion, nonlinearity, and gain/loss can be designed freely, and the obtained solutions can describe the nonlinear waves in general inhomogeneous optical fiber systems. The obtained solutions with two free phase parameters can be deemed to be the superposition of the typical simple modulated solutions, and the arbitrary of the optical parameters and the free phase parameters be expected to give the rise of abundant forms of modulation functions, that leads to the diverse characteristics of superimposed waves. Take the kink dispersion fiber systems with constant gain/loss and trigonometric gain/loss as examples, rich dynamics of the superimposed waves are displayed. By changing the gain/loss, the physical features of superimposed waves, such as the amplitudes of solitons and Kuznetsov-Ma breathers, the widths of solitons, the distances between Kuznetsov-Ma breathers, and the backgrounds of Akhmediev breathers and rogue waves can be controlled. The interaction of solitons or Kuznetsov-Ma breathers, and the number of the rogue waves or Akhmediev breathers can also be manipulated by selecting appropriate value of gain/loss. The results presented here may be useful to explore the diverse dynamics of superimposed waves and prove significance for the control of nonlinear waves in weakly birefringent fibers.

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