
Supernatural beliefs include peculiar beliefs, which are often considered a sign/symptom of psychopathology (e.g., Psi, remote viewing), religious/spiritual beliefs (e.g., angels), and fate beliefs (e.g., everything happens for a reason). We addressed limitations in the empirical literature by investigating, among a psychologically healthy community sample (n=189) the perceived adaptivity of supernatural peculiar, religious/spiritual and fate beliefs. Results demonstrated that supernatural beliefs were considered adaptive (important, having a positive impact, serving understanding and hedonic functions). Perceived adaptivity, especially the understanding function, was consistently associated with psychological benefits (more life satisfaction, emotional clarity and positive affect, less negative affect, depression and perceived stress). Perceived adaptivity and associations with psychological benefits did not differ by belief type. The current study suggests that supernatural beliefs, broadly, and peculiar beliefs, specifically, are potentially adaptive in several ways, and associated with psychological benefits.

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