
A room temperature reversible ammonia (NH3) gas sensor based on the resistive transduction mechanism comprising of thin film of nickel doped cryptomelane octahedral molecular sieves of K-OMS-2 nanofibers is developed. Ni-OMS2 demonstrated excellent and persistent sensing toward the low concentration of ammonia in air at room temperature. The sensor showed strong response of 20% and 57% for 10 and 50 ppm of NH3. No heating was required either for sensing or recovery. Doping concentration of Ni significantly affect the ammonia sensing properties of nanofibers. Low doping of 0.11 Ni+2 in K-OMS-2 resulted in the major improvement in recovery time during ammonia sensing to 40s from 87s in undoped nanofibers. However, higher amount of Ni doping showed no response for ammonia sensing.

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