
Superhydrophobic substrate is applied in matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI MS) detection due to its confinement effect. The weak interaction of superhydrophobic surface with water/salts makes it potential in one-step enrichment and desalting of peptide in MALDI MS analysis. We fabricate a superhydrophobic substrate by spin-coating poly(dimethyl siloxane) (PDMS) on a candle soot layer. On this substrate, the peptide analytes can be confined and enriched in a small area due to the confinement effect and its strong hydrophobic interactions with PDMS. Meanwhile, the desalting can be easily realized by removing the residual solution after the absorption of analyst molecules due to the weak interaction between water/salt contaminants and the superhydrophobic surface. Using this substrate, angiotensin III (Ang III) in the presence of salt with high concentration (2 M or saturated) can be analyzed, and the peptide sequence coverage of 10 μg/mL myoglobin (MYO) and bovine serum albumin (BSA) digests is enhanced to 51% and 26%, which is 37% and 21% analyzed with the commercial ZipTipC18 pipette tips. The LOD of bacitracin A (Bac A) in milk with this substrate is 100 pM and nearly 360 times lower than the LOD of standard testing method. This substrate has potential practical applications in proteomics research and actual sample analysis.

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