
A generic prediction of the Coleman–Weinberg inflation is the existence of a heavy particle sector whose interactions with the inflaton, the lightest state in this sector, generate the inflaton potential at loop level. For typical interactions the heavy sector may contain stable states whose relic abundance is generated at the end of inflation by the gravity alone. This general feature, and the absence of any particle physics signal of dark matter so far, motivates us to look for new directions in the dark sector physics, including scenarios in which dark matter is super-heavy. In this article we study the possibility that the dark matter is even heavier than the inflaton, its existence follows from the inflaton dynamics, and its abundance today is naturally determined by the weakness of gravitational interaction. This implies that the super-heavy dark matter scenarios can be tested via the measurements of inflationary parameters and/or the CMB isocurvature perturbations and non-Gaussianities. We explicitly work out details of three Coleman–Weinberg inflation scenarios, study the systematics of super-heavy dark matter production in those cases, and compute which parts of the parameter spaces can be probed by the future CMB measurements.


  • Cosmological measurements have shown convincingly that most of the cold matter in the Universe is in a nonbaryonic form [1]

  • Supposing that the heaviest dark fermion gives the dominant contribution in the solution of eq (8), while the lightest is the Super-Heavy Dark Matter (SHDM) that gives the main contribution to the relic density, we get a mass ratio of the same order of the tau-electron mass ratio mτ /me in the standard model (SM)

  • We have argued that the framework of ColemanWeinberg inflation naturally motivates the existence of SHDM

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Cosmological measurements have shown convincingly that most of the cold matter in the Universe is in a nonbaryonic form [1]. In the light of those experimental results, various new theoretical frameworks have been developed to explain the co-existence and the origin of the largely separated mass scales observed in Nature [25, 26, 27, 28]. The aim of this work is to propose that the existence of SHDM may follow from the Coleman-Weinberg inflation In this framework the inflaton potential must have been generated at loop level due to the inflaton couplings to new particles in such a way that the experimentally measured scalar spectral index ns and the tensor-to-scalar ratio r are predicted correctly.

Generalised Coleman-Weinberg Inflation
Coleman-Weinberg Inflation and SHDM
Inflationary Scenario A
Inflationary Scenario C
CMB and Indirect Probes of the SHDM
Conclusions and Outlook
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