
ABSTRACT Near-surface supergene ores of the Merensky Reef in the Bushveld Complex, South Africa, contain economic grades of platinum-group elements, however, these are currently uneconomic due to low recovery rates. This is the first study that investigates the variation in platinum-group elements in pristine and supergene samples of the Merensky Reef from five drill cores from the eastern Bushveld. The samples from the Richmond and Twickenham farms show different degrees of weathering. The whole-rock platinum-group element distribution was studied by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry and the platinum-group minerals were investigated by reflected-light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and electron microprobe analysis. In pristine (“fresh”) Merensky Reef samples, platinum-group elements occur mainly as discrete platinum-group minerals, such as platinum-group element-sulfides (cooperite–braggite) and laurite as well as subordinate platinum-group element-bismuthotellurides and platinum-group element-arsenides, and also in solid solution in sulfides (especially Pd in pentlandite). During weathering, Pd and S were removed, resulting in a platinum-group mineral mineralogy in the supergene Merensky Reef that mainly consists of relict platinum-group minerals, Pt-Fe alloys, and Pt-oxides/hydroxides. Additional proportions of platinum-group elements are hosted by Fe-hydroxides and secondary hydrosilicates (e.g., serpentine group minerals and chlorite). In supergene ores, only low recovery rates (ca. 40%) are achieved due to the polymodal and complex platinum-group element distribution. To achieve higher recovery rates for the platinum-group elements, hydrometallurgical or pyrometallurgical processing of the bulk ore would be required, which is not economically viable with existing technology.

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