
Three main zones of progressive oxidation, termed the transition, violaritepyrite and oxide zones, can be delineated in the supergene profile of the Mt Windarra massive/matrix ore deposit. In the broad transition zone from pure primary ore, pentlandite is progressively oxidised to an iron rich violarite of composition Co0.02Fe1.38Ni1.60 S4, releasing Fe2+ and Ni2+ ions into solution. Up to 43% of this Ni2+ moves to nearby pyrrhotite margins which are replaced firstly by nickeliferous smythite and then by a second lamellar-textured violarite with an even higher iron content but lacking in cobalt (approximately Fe1.6Ni1.4S4). On completion of violaritisation of the pentlandite, violaritisation of the pyrrhotite also ceases and the remainder of the pyrrhotite is rapidly replaced by secondary pyrite/marcasite, siderite and void space, this reaction defining the top of transition zone. Both sulphur and nickel are extracted from solution and further Fe2+ ions are released into solution. The violarite-pyrite zone is characterised by the absence of pentlandite and pyrrhotite and continued stability of violarite and secondary iron disulphides. Most, if not all, of the iron generated by these oxidation reactions precipitates as magnesian siderite at the expense of magnesite, giving rise to solutions containing mainly Mg2+ and Ni2+ ions. At and just above the water table atmospheric oxygen is reduced while the sulphides are oxidised to sulphate and hydroxides. Much of the iron remains in situ as characteristic goethite relicts while nickel and copper are leached, producing the enrichment below the water table. The overall genetic model proposed is electrochemical and is analogous to the corrosion of a piece of metallic iron partially immersed in differentially aerated water.

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